Gift Wrapping Workshop
Gift Wrap Boss offers a traveling gift wrapping workshop for parties, events, and more. We bring an elevated experience to your desired location.
Host a fun-filled workshop and learn everything you need to create an impressive gift giving experience! Learn the fundamental techniques from a professional gift wrapper, including seamless gift-wrapping techniques, bow making and wrapping styles for unique shapes.
This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to perfect your gift wrap. You will learn techniques to create thoughtful wrapped gifts that add classiness and beauty to your packing.
Supplies Included: A small box, medium box, tissue paper, wrapping paper, ribbon and tools to wrap!
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: $35 per person (Basic Workshop)
$40 per person (Add a wine bottle gift wrap demonstration)
Workshop Availability: Thursday or Friday evenings after 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays starting at 10:00 a.m. with the last booking availability at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in booking a workshop, please fill out the form below.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations and guest count change are requested to be made 48 hours in advance of any scheduled reservation to avoid be charged a cancellation fee with no goods and services provided.